So I asked on Instagram what posts I should write, and a few people said a birthday wish list, my birthday quite soon so I'm going to do that. Before I get started, I want to do a disclaimer. I am not trying to brag or boast and that I'm not expecting all of this at all, I would be so happy just to get one of these things as they are things I would love to get, but I am in no way saying to my friends or family, or you guys, I want this, this and this, give them to me. This is just a way you might get to know me a bit more, or if your birthday is coming up, give you some ideas, as this was requested. I will be so grateful for anything I get, but let's get started...
So the first thing I would really love to get is a Mac Lipstick. I have heard amazing things about these and don't own anything from Mac, so it would be a big staple in my makeup and I would probably wear it all the time if I did get it. I would want a natural colour that I could wear on an everyday basis, a nude but a pinky nude not a browny one. I would also really love to get something from Benefit. Anything would be amazing, I just would love to try some Benefit and it would be a big treat for me.
The thing I probably want the most would be netflix. If you've read my other posts you will know that I now have Netflix, but you probably don't know that I only have the 30 day free trial, so what I would love would to be able to carry on having it a bit longer.
I would love to get Joe Sugg for my birthday. Haha there is no way that will happen but I can dream <3 if any youtuber, big or small, tweeted me that would be the best birthday present I could ever get!
Another thing I would be so grateful to get is an EOS lip balm. There's so much hype about them but they're so difficult to get hold of so I would love to get one.
Any Youtube Merch would be a perfect present because I'm a bit addicted. Do Suggs not Drugs ladies and gents. You can tell I'm a bit hyper whilst writing this hehe:)
Some more Real Techniques brushes would be brilliant!
Some nice new pieces for my wardrobe? I don't know, maybe some more spring/summer clothes like cute crop tops and shorts and skirts. OMG I WOULD LOVE A TRXYE JUMPER BUT I'M NOT SURE IF YOU CAN STILL GET THEM:(
Anything from Victoria Secret would make me extremely happy. I would also love to try out some more products from Soap and Glory.
Other than that, basically makeup and clothes and beauty stuff, is what I would love to get.
So I hope you guys enjoyed this kinda different little post. It was kind of weird tbh. I would be so grateful if someone gave me a bit of fluff :D what even am I on about?? Basically I would be grateful and love any present I got.
Keep smiling xx
Such nice ideas for birthday presents ♡ xx