Sunday, 6 December 2015


Hello people. Bit of a later post today but I thought it would be a good idea to write a more chatty post every Sunday of Blogmas where I just ramble about how my week has been - mainly because I want to keep up to date with you lot but also because it's hard to think of 24 ideas for a month and I like to ramble sometimes.

So I'm ill. You probably know that if you've been watching my snapchat vlogmas (little bit of self promo but its elliesvloggs if you want to add that - they only last for 24 hours so better get yourself over there quickly). It started on Friday morning when I woke up and I felt really coldy and sneezy. Then by the time I got home from school my throat was really hurting and now I am so sniffy and my throat hurts so much, I think it's gone to my chest but it does hurt when I talk and I also have an ongoing headache, not a bad one just an annoying one.

Now that I've finished ranting about being ill, I'll talk about something else. I can't believe I've actually kept up the whole Blogmas thing for almost a week. Not gonna lie, all of them so far other than this have been prewritten but I still have more to take pictures for this week that are coming so I need to get them taken and edited.

Before this weekend, I've been feeling really happy with just life and everything and so excited for Christmas. The thing is right now, I am so excited for Christmas but I've been so busy I just can't actually get into the festive spirit. BUT IT'S ONLY 18 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!

I have so many Vlogmas videos to catch up on, I'm catching up on 24 Days of Zoella as I write this and I should really be getting my stuff ready for school. I haven't put my Christmas tree up yet, although my room is crowded with decorations (post on that some time soon hopefully).

Spent most of today making a gingerbread house, although I didn't actually get time to assemble the house before I went home but we made the gingerbread and it took forever then we we decorated loads of the gingerbread (you'll have to go to my snapchat vlogmas to see that) but I left my (not proper) sister to actually make it into a house and they are going to use it as a centerpiece until New Year when we are going to eat it all. Yummmmmmm.

I think that's enough said and I should go and get my stuff ready for school. I hope you've all had an amazing week and are super excited for Christmas. Talk to you in tomorrows post.

Ellie xoxo

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